The Masters Review Blog - Book Reviews, Interviews & Craft Essays
The Masters Review is now accepting submissions of completed book reviews, interviews, and craft essays for publication on our blog. Please do not send pitches or queries to this category. Submissions must be previously unpublished. We do not consider reprints. At the moment, we are unable to pay for book reviews or interviews, but we can pay $50 for craft essays. If you have a pitch or query, please contact us at contact [at] mastersreview [dot] com.
Genre Guidelines
Book Reviews
- Book Reviews must be of books scheduled for a 2025 or later release. We recommend submitting your review at least one month before the scheduled publication date. Earlier is better.
- Book Reviews should be between 700-1,200 words.
- Include in your review at least one sentence that conveys your overall stance on the book and embolden it. (e.g., "The Survivalists by Kashana Cauley ruthlessly interrogates what it means to be successful as a Black woman, a Millennial, and a liberal living in an urban center.")
- Our primary interest are debut authors and indie presses. Occasionally, we will consider and publish reviews from major presses or of notable authors.
- Rarely, we will consider a review for a book with a past release date, but it must have been published within four months. If you have questions about this policy, please contact us at contact [at] mastersreview [dot] com.
- We are interested in interviews with authors, editors, agents, or other industry professionals, with a particular focus on recent publications or activity. Our mission is to bridge the gap between new and established writers, so any insight into the profession of writing is valuable (e.g., this interview with agent Miriam Atlshuler).
- Interviews should be between 1,200-2,500 words.
- Please include a bio of both the interviewee and the interviewer with your submission, as well as an introduction to the interview.
Craft Essays
- Craft Essays should focus on a particular aspect of the craft of writing fiction or nonfiction.
- Please do not send craft essays about poetry.
- We are especially interested in craft essays which examine the craft of a particular story. Please see our Stories That Teach and From the Archive series on the blog for examples.
- Craft Essays should be between 1,200-2,500 words.